Mengenal Kehidupan Dayak Hulu Banyu Loksado Kalsel

Tetuha Adat Dayah Hulu Banyu
Orang Dayak Hulu Banyu digolongkan oleh Suku Banjar Kalimantan Selatan ke dalam orang Dayak Bukit. Mereka tinggal di lereng-lereng dan lembah-lembah bukit sekitar Loksado, Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan. Rumah mereka disebut Balai berbentuk persegi empat panjang, lantai dan dindingnya terbuat dari bambu, tiang rumah terbuat dari kayu dan atapnya daun rumbia. Mereka tidak menggunakan paku dalam membangun rumah tetapi tali dan pasak kayu yang mereka gunakan. 

Rumah dihuni oleh 5 sampai 30 keluarga yang disebut "Balai Malaris". Balai malaris diisi oleh kurang lebih 30 keluarga. Jumlah mereka bisa mencapai kurang lebih 200 orang. 

Informasi Objek Wisata Di Pulau Lombok Nusa Tenggara Barat

Ketika penulis berkunjung ke daerah NTB beberapa waktu lalu, penulis menyempatkan berkunjung ke beberapa objek wisata yang ada disana. Ada beberapa objek wisata menarik yang ada di daerah Lombok Nusa Tenggara Barat yang banyak dikunjungi wisatawan. Baik wisatawan lokal maupun wisatawan mancanegara. Diantara objek wisata tersebut banyak yang memiliki keindahan yang luar biasa antara lain :

1. Tiga Gili (Gili Terawangan, Gili Meno, Gili Air)

3 (Tiga) Gili sebagai sebutan akrap untuk menunjuk tiga buah tempat wisata yaitu: Gili Terawangan, Gili Meno, Gili Air. Tiga Gili ini berlokasi di Kabupaten Lombok Utara, berjarak sekitar 60 km dari kota Mataram. Akses menuju ke sana menggunakan perahu penyebrangan melalui PEMENANG dengan jarak tempuk sekitar 15 menit.

2. Pantai Senggigi (Senggigi Beach)

Pantai Senggigi adalah tempat pariwisata yang terkenal di Lombok letaknya di sebelah barat pesisir Pulau Lombok. Pantai Senggigi memang tidak sebesar Pantai Kuta di Bali, tetapi seketika kita berada di sini akan merasa seperti berada di Pantai Kuta, Bali. Pesisir pantainya masih asri. Berjarak sekitar 20 Km dari Kota Mataram dengan jarak tempuh 20 menit. Lokasi tersebut dapat di akses dengan kendaraan bermotor.

3. Pusat Mutiara (Sekarbela)

Pusat pengrajin perhiasan mutiara di Lombok, berjarak sekitar 3 km dari kota Mataram dan berada di pusat kota.

4. Pusat Cukilan (Sayang-sayang)

Sayang-sayang merupakan daerah pengrajin meubeler dengan aksesoris utama "cukli" cukli adalah namadari kerang yang didatangkan dari luar daerah seperti Sulawesi, Flores atau bahkan Jawa yang memiliki kulit keras dan berwarna putih gading. Pusat cukli ini berjarak sekitar 5 Km dari Pusat Kota Mataram.

5. Pantai Mandalika

Pantai Mandalika an Tanjung A'an yang jaraknya sekitar 65 km dari kota Mataram dengan jarak tempuh sekitar 2 jam, juga menjadi kawasan wisata pantai terkenal di selatan Lombok Tengah. Lautnya yang tenang membuat kawasan ini ideal untuk berenang. Keindahan panorama pantainya bisa pula dinikmati dari areal perbukitan yang tidak jauh dari lokasi pantai. Salah satu kawasan di pantai ini kemudian dikenal dengan Puteri Nyale. Sebuta ini berkait erat dengan ritual suku Sasak, suku asli pulai Lombok yang melakukan perayaan Bau Nyale - pesta menagkap Nyale setahun sekali, yang biasanya diselenggarakan antara bulan Februari dan Maret, sebagai ungkapan kegembiraan masyarakat Lombok akan kesuburan tanahnya.

6. Pusat Tenun Khas Sasak (Sukarare)

Kain tenun songket sasak sudah sangat dikenal dengan keindahan motif dan kehalusan kainnya yang bahkan telah mendunia. Namun keberadaan salah satu warisan budaya yang pengerjaan yang masih ditekuni secara tradisional ini kini terancam punah. Pembuatan tenun tradisional songket sasak hingga kini masih ditekuni warga Desa Sukarare, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Disepanjang jalan desa bisa ditemui warga dari berbagai Usia. Mulai kaum muda hingga lanjut usia, tampak asyik menenun secara tradisional kain songket ini. Lokasi berjarak sekitar 25-30 km dari pusat Kota Mataram.

7. Taman Wisata Narmada (Air awet muda)

Narmada terletak 10 kilometer di sebelah timur Kota Mataram. Kota ini terkenal dengan julukan kota "Air". Hal ini didasarkan pada kenyaataan bahwa Narmada mempunyai banyak mata air. Mata air berasal dari simpanan air hutan di daerah Narmada yang terletak di Suranadi dan Sesaot.

8. Danau Segara Anak (Gunung Rinjani)

Segara anak adalah danau kawah Gunung Rinjani di pulau Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat Indonesia. Nama Segara Anak berarti anak laut diberikan untuk itu karena warna biru mengingatkan danau laut, Jarak tempauh sekitar 2-3 jam dari pusat kota Mataram.


- Jalan Udayana (malam hari) : menu khas lombok : sate bulayak dan sate rembiga

- Jalan Selaparang (siang dan malam) : menu khas lombok ayam Taliwang/plecing

- Jalan Airlangga (Siang dan malam) : menu khas lombok / masakan nasional.

The Tourism Sport In Kepulauan Riau Indonesia

As one of the tourist spots in the State of Indonesia. Kepulauan Riau has viariety resources that could be tourism attractio at international stage, for the reason that tourism sector has become one of the biggest income in the region and state government. We find viariety of stunning tourism scenery in Kepulauan Riau province and history torism has become the phenomena in Indonesia.

Napoleon Fish

 The fish of Cheilunus Undulates is one the big rock fish live in the tropical ocean. It has length of 1,5 meters. And fishes may reach about 180 Kg at the age of 50 years.  Fish life is generally similar to other reef fish that live alone. One of the unique fish is the circumference of eyes that can see the direction of the angle of view up to 180 degrees. These fish have eyes that can see the direction of the angle of view up to 180 degrees. This fish has reproduction system of hermaphrodite, and normally they are born as male fish and will convert into female fish as it matured. 

The Snapshot Of Kepulauan Riau Province

Riau Islands Province (acronym as Kepri) is a Province of Indonesia. It comprises the principal group of the Riau Archipelago, together with other island groups to the south, eash and northeast. In Indonesian, Riau Islands and Riau Archipelago are synonymous and are distingushed by the word for province, "Provinsi". Originally part of the Riau Province, the Riau Island were split off as a separate province in July 2004. The Kepri Province has becoming the provincial according to regulations number 25 year of 2002 and it becomes the 32-province in Indonesia located of  Tanjungpinang city, Batam city, Bintan Regency, Karimun Regency, Natuna Regency, and Lingga Regency.

Original Cloth Sasirangan South Kalimantan

Sasirangan batik fabric is typical of South Kalimantan. This fabric has a beautiful variety of motives. which can be used in a variety of community activities and ceremonies South Borneo (Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan).

Making fabric is traditionally sasirangan and manual in people's homes. sasirangan cloth-making techniques are very unique because it is made with the technique of batik dyeing and stitching motif extends corresponding picture. Motifs used in sasirangan fabric sourced from local culture community south Kalimantan.

Natural Water From the Mountains Meratus

Water is the source of life for residents in the mountainous jungle region Meratus. Mountain water is rich in minerals important, be one important values ​​that support community life Kalimantan. Water resources are still available to humans. The source of water is not contaminated waste, from the results of the screening process is still fresh tropical nature.

Water flowing from the mountains to the mouth of the river, along with the pulse of people's lives every day Borneo. Not just humans who enjoy the water, but the plants and animals are also highly dependent on the pure water. Some bottled water companies have been exploring the source of water for the needs of the wider community and become a very lucrative business opportunity.

In good water content dikalimantan mountains there are 9 criteria as water that is absolutely perfect for the man.
The meaning of 9 criteria include the number of discharge of water from the water source must be balanced with the need to ensure the environment around the spring to stay awake; physical parameters; chemical parameters; microbiological parameters; environmental conditions and the presence of springs are equally harmful sources to be a source of pollutants, physical parameters permantauan stability against possible long-term changes in the physical parameters; chemical stability of the parameters; sustainability of water resources quality and quantity of discharge; and the availability of infrastructure.
It's all there in the mountains of Borneo springs.


The Traditional Weapon

The Traditional weapon built from Black Smith culture like blades, keris, spears, balayung and hand axes are used for a self defence weapons. The best fabricated weapon is worn to the heirlooms and privileges. The social function of weapon is branded for regalia from the Banjarmasin royal heritage. The Malayan value orientation in South East Asia that beliebes in a supranatural impunity is frequently assume that the weapon has circumstance power by grafted in an oculticism word that engange from the shaman courtegeous in the suprantural orders.

Traditional Houses of Banjar Bububungan Tinggi

A Banjar traditional house for the nobility is built from the iron woods with the specific architecture of pile dwelling and the high roofs. This traditional house is suplemented with semiotic symbols from the ancient of the Dyak Ngaju believes like jamang, tambon, and sungkul. These achestral symbol are transformasi a mitologocal believes of batang garing life where their anchestors inherited from the trungk of this tree.

The Aqua Culture Of Borneo

The efford in abandoning of the efficiency energy for the rest of calory stuff and for multiple rest of the domestic economy sufficiently has developed in the aqua culture. A various kind of tools in catching fish are doing with maunjun, malunta, mahumbing, malukah in the subsistence of  the catching and selling, catching - breeding, and, selling - or catching and consuming can be found in many rurals. While the former way in catching fish with sarakap is practice in the wet cultivated land, traping fish by using lukah is practice int the river, lake, dick, dam, canal and the artisanal resevoir of water. Catching fish with lunta, tangguk, and the ordinary nets practice int the river and the lake; and using turih, humbing, talukup, and pancing are practiced in the lake, river, and swamp water. The unique methode in catching fish by using the traditional device of talungkup and turih faund in rurals where the talukup is use like a canopy, the fisherman heading head to the rivery water stream and throwned up the turih to the revealiously fishes.

Dance Baksa Kambang

One of the art of dance is typical of South Borneo floating dance Baksa. Dance Baksa Kambang is commonly used to greet guests who visit the kingdom greatness banjar of South Borneo.

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